Remedies for Naturally Soft & Pink Lips
A soft and pink lip is one of the most desirable factors for most human beings. But, often our beautiful lips tend to lose their beauty and become rough and dark. There are lots of reasons that cause darkening of lips. So, if you are also a victim of lips that have darkened and want to know how to get pink lips then you are just at the right place, as here we will be discussing some of the best home based remedies for combating dark lips and also talk about precautionary measures that will help you to avoid this problem.
- If you want to make your lips red and attractive then you can put some almond in milk and leave it overnight. The next day grind this almond with the milk and make a thick paste. Apply this thick paste on your lips. It is quite effective in getting back your beautiful red lips
- Lemon is considered to be very effective for lips, as it has got its bleaching effect so you can easily get back your beautiful pink lips with the help of lemon. Take powdered sugar in a bowl and add lemon into it and mix it properly and apply this mixture on your lips. It will act as a bleaching agent and lighten the dark spots on your lips.
- Clarified butter is also very good for lips. Butter will make your lips soft and erase the dark spots too.
- Try to avoid your lips from getting dried up. Always try to moisturize your lips with a good brand of petroleum jelly as this will not only make your lips soft and supple but will help you to regain its original colour.
- To begin with, take a bowl and add cold milk then add turmeric powder into it and mix it properly. After mixing it properly you just need to apply this paste on your lips and leave it on for at least five minutes. After five minutes just wash off your lips with cold water. This remedy will lighten the dark spots on the lips and will make it soft and pink.
- You can avoid dark lips by applying the juice of cucumber or raw potato. You can even apply smashed potatoes or cucumber on your lips.
Remedies for Acne & Pimples
Top 3 Vitamins to Combat Acne
Vitamin A, B and E play an important role to maintain a clear complexion and prevent acne. Let us look at their benefits for the skin.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is one of the best vitamins for acne prevention and control. One of the richest source of this vitamin are carrots. One glass of carrot juice everyday will help you have a clear complexion, will aid in digestion, and prevent acne. Other good sources of vitamin A are spinach, calf's liver, sweet potato, kale, turnip greens, winter squash, Swiss chard, collard greens and bell peppers. Vitamin A, being an antioxidant, can help keep the pores clear. So either you can eat these food sources to keep your skin clean, or use vitamin A based creams for topical application.
Vitamin B
Among the family of B vitamins, there are many B vitamins which contribute to clear skin. B-complex vitamins helps to improve blood circulation. Thus, scarring is reduced. Also, B12 has shown to be very beneficial for pigmentation. There are some B vitamins which are antioxidant, which help to detox and get rid of impurities in the skin, thus preventing the growth of bacteria and occurrence of breakouts. Some good food sources of B vitamins are pork, seafood, liver, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, chicken, peanuts, egg yolks, bananas, mushrooms, citrus fruits, etc.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is well-known for its skin care qualities. Vitamin is a potent antioxidant. It helps to detox and prevent pre-mature aging of the skin. Vitamin E also helps to moisturize the skin. Vitamin E in the form of oil is used to lighten scars and also heal acne breakouts. Vitamin E also protects the skin again UV light damage. Almonds and sunflower seeds are very rich in vitamin E. Other good sources of vitamin E are olives, spinach, papaya, Swiss chard, turnip greens, blueberries and mustard greens.
Other Foods to Fight Acne Above were the three best vitamins for treating an acne condition. Some other nutrients also greatly help to fight acne. They include nutrients like zinc, omega-3, water, and foods like yogurt and green tea.
Zinc: Zinc is a mineral which is often recommended for acne treatment. However, some believe that zinc doesn't help with acne treatment at all. If you have low zinc levels, then it could be a reason for an acne condition. So get your zinc level checked. Zinc acts as an anti-inflammatory, which can decrease the symptoms of acne. However, a very small dose of zinc is required by the body daily. Therefore make sure that if you are taking zinc supplements, you stick to the recommended daily intake value.
Water: Water is very important for our health and a clear complexion. Just drinking plenty of water (2 - 3 liters) everyday will flush out the toxins from your body, and will give a glowing complexion. Also, drinking water benefits include bright clear eyes, improved energy levels, and improved blood circulation.
Green Tea: Caffeine is a major cause for bad skin, and should be avoided if you have skin problems. Also, it is dehydrating. So, instead of caffeine, make green tea a part of your acne detox diet. 2 - 3 cups of green tea everyday will provide you with many important vitamins.
Yogurt: Yogurt kills many harmful bacteria in the body, when taken internally. It also contains many other beneficial nutrients which help you maintain good digestive health and skin health. So consider having one to two cups of yogurt everyday. You can also make a yogurt mask and apply it topically.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 essential fatty acids helps to reduce inflammation, and thus help prevent acne. Also, omega-3 is essential for the body and brain health. You can find omega-3 in flax seeds, walnuts, sardines, halibut and salmon. However, avoid omega-6, as it tends to promote inflammation.
These were the nutrients and their food sources which help to control and prevent acne. Include these nutrients in your diet and consume them in the right quantity, to get their benefits. Apart from following a good diet, make sure you follow a good skin care regime to maintain acne free skin. A topical gel or cream can help you control and prevent further breakouts. You can also keep your skin cleaner by regular scrubbing and washing.
Zinc: Zinc is a mineral which is often recommended for acne treatment. However, some believe that zinc doesn't help with acne treatment at all. If you have low zinc levels, then it could be a reason for an acne condition. So get your zinc level checked. Zinc acts as an anti-inflammatory, which can decrease the symptoms of acne. However, a very small dose of zinc is required by the body daily. Therefore make sure that if you are taking zinc supplements, you stick to the recommended daily intake value.
Water: Water is very important for our health and a clear complexion. Just drinking plenty of water (2 - 3 liters) everyday will flush out the toxins from your body, and will give a glowing complexion. Also, drinking water benefits include bright clear eyes, improved energy levels, and improved blood circulation.
Green Tea: Caffeine is a major cause for bad skin, and should be avoided if you have skin problems. Also, it is dehydrating. So, instead of caffeine, make green tea a part of your acne detox diet. 2 - 3 cups of green tea everyday will provide you with many important vitamins.
Yogurt: Yogurt kills many harmful bacteria in the body, when taken internally. It also contains many other beneficial nutrients which help you maintain good digestive health and skin health. So consider having one to two cups of yogurt everyday. You can also make a yogurt mask and apply it topically.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 essential fatty acids helps to reduce inflammation, and thus help prevent acne. Also, omega-3 is essential for the body and brain health. You can find omega-3 in flax seeds, walnuts, sardines, halibut and salmon. However, avoid omega-6, as it tends to promote inflammation.
These were the nutrients and their food sources which help to control and prevent acne. Include these nutrients in your diet and consume them in the right quantity, to get their benefits. Apart from following a good diet, make sure you follow a good skin care regime to maintain acne free skin. A topical gel or cream can help you control and prevent further breakouts. You can also keep your skin cleaner by regular scrubbing and washing.
If regular cleaning of face is not done than blackheads are produced on face. Dust, polluted air of the whole day assembles on the pores of the face which gives the form of blackheads.
Take boiled/ distilled water and mix pinch of sodium bicarbonate (Soda) in it. Apply this paste on affected area. After 5 minutes, remove the blackheads by pressing it little & remove it with cotton, tissue paper or black head remover.
Acne & Pimples
Acne Tonic with Basil
2 to 3 teaspoons dried basil leaves
1 C. boiling water
Steep basil leaves in water for 10 to 20 minutes. Cool, then apply to face with a white cotton ball.
Blackhead Remover Mask
1/2 cup fuller's earth
1 tsp. tincture of benzoin
distilled witch hazel
Combine all ingredients and stir thoroughly. Apply the mask to your skin. Let mask dry and harden - about 30-40 minutes. Soak a small hand towel in warm water and lay it across your face.
When the mask starts to soften up, gently rub it with the towel in a circular motion. Rinse with plenty of warm water.
Sea Salt or Table Salt Mask
Swim in the ocean (or buy sea salt and make a mask). Or just gently wash with salt & water mixed.
Oatmeal Mask
Another kitchen remedy. Blend some oatmeal with water and gently spread it onto your skin. Leave it until it dries (10-15 minutes). This mask is gentle and safe.
We hope these acne masks will help clear your skin. Whether you have regular acne or acne rosacea, these homemade acne masks can help your skin look and feel better.
Weight loss Plan
Commit to our four-week plan of healthy eating with regular exercise and you can soon make a difference to your figure.Our plan, devised by a registered nutritionist, will help you lose weight at a steady rate of about 1lb to 2lb per week. The good news is, the more weight you have to lose, the faster the pounds will disappear.
Be sure to complete the recommended exercise too. It will help you build muscle tissue that will speed up your metabolism. A faster metabolism means you will burn more calories even when you're not being active.
Weight loss plan basics
- The plan works out around 1400kcal per day: 300kcal for breakfast, 350kcal for lunch, 450kcal for dinner and 250kcal for snacks. But these figures are approximations that average out, because people’s ideas of what ‘small’ or ‘thinly spread’ is varies so much.
- Watch your portion sizes - stick to the recommendations. Little changes like using more oil than suggested, having extra meat or using standard margarine or whole-fat milk will add to your daily calorie count and mean weight loss is slower.
- Never skip breakfast.
- Keep hydrated: drink at least six to eight glasses of water each day.
- Dress your salads with fat-free salad dressings or a splash of balsamic vinegar.
- Use low-sugar and low-salt products where you can.
- Use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk in drinks.
- Try to use wholemeal breads, pasta and brown rice. There's little difference calorie-wise, but wholemeal versions are higher in fibre so will keep you feeling fuller for longer.
- Try to vary the fruit and veg you have as much as possible so you get the widest range of vitamins.
- All these recipes are for one, but quantities can be easily doubled if you're cooking for more.
Margarine, butter and oil
- For frying use a spray olive oil or vegetable oil such as sunflower or olive.
- We haven't included butter in the plan because it's high in saturated fat.
- If you don't like low-fat olive spread, save the calories and leave it out.
- If the recipe would be dry without, substitute one teaspoon of low-fat mayo.
- If you want to use standard margarine, be aware that this will add around 100kcal per day to your total per slice of bread (most calories in toast come from the butter not bread). Spread thinly and you can halve this amount.
Weight loss plan: mix and match breakfasts
Choose one each day. Try to have as much variety as possible.Cereal breakfasts
Have each of these breakfasts with a small (110ml) glass of pure fruit juice. Use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk for the cereal.- 40g no-added sugar muesli with milk. Two tablespoons of low-fat natural yoghurt topped with a sliced banana.
- 40g low-sugar breakfast cereal (look for cereals 'of which sugars' is less than 2g per 100g) with milk. One slice of melon.
- Two Weetabix or Shredded Wheat, topped with four chopped dried apricots and four prunes with milk.
- Medium bowl of porridge made with milk, topped with a small pot of fruit in juice.
Hot breakfasts
Have each of these breakfasts with a small (110ml) glass of pure fruit juice. For jam, use low-sugar jam or fruit spread.Tip
0% fat Greek yoghurt is a great low-fat creamy choice for natural yoghurt.
- One slice of toast, spread with a little low-fat olive spread and jam. A small low-fat natural yoghurt topped with a tablespoon of chopped nuts and seeds and sweetened with a teaspoon of honey.
- Two slices of toast, spread with a little low-fat olive spread and jam.
- One slice of toast topped with a small tin of baked beans and a grilled tomato.
- An English muffin, split and toasted. Top with a poached egg, two rashers of lean grilled back bacon and a grilled tomato.
- Two slices of fruit loaf, toasted and spread with low-fat olive spread. A small low-fat natural yoghurt topped with a handful of berry fruits and a teaspoon of sunflower seeds.
- Two slices of toast topped with a small tin of tomatoes and one poached egg.
- A tin of sardines in tomato sauce, sprinkled with a little Worcestershire sauce, grilled on two slices of toast and a grilled tomato. One piece of fruit
- English muffin toasted, split and topped with one scrambled egg and eight mushrooms boiled in a little water. (You can also spray the mushrooms with one-cal olive spray and grill or fry them in a non-stick pan.) One piece of fruit.
- Blend one banana, half a mango, 150ml milk and three tablespoons of low-fat natural yoghurt. Have with one slice of toast spread with a little low-fat olive spread.
Weight loss plan: lunches
You'll find weekday recipes to make at home as a packed lunch. If you can't make the weekday lunches suggested in the plan, buy any sandwich, wrap or filled pitta (preferably wholemeal) under 350kcal.Weekend lunches might need a bit more preparation or cooking, but are still very easy.
If you are making sandwiches at home, use wholemeal bread and spread with either low-fat mayo or salad cream, low-fat olive spread or chutney before putting in your filling.
Pack your sandwiches with as much salad as you can, then fill with either:
- 75g lean meat or poultry
- 100g tinned fish
- 1 boiled egg
- 20g cheese or 30g low-fat cheese (grating makes it go further)
- low-fat cream cheese, lightly spread
- 1 tablespoon reduced-fat coleslaw.
Weight loss plan: dinners

Try to cook some fresh vegetables or have a salad to accompany your ready meal.
You can swap your lunch and dinner meals at the weekend if you prefer to have your main meal at lunchtime.
If you don't like the recipe for that day, you can choose any equivalent recipe from the plan. We've included some extra vegetarian choices at the end of the plan (week 4).
Weight loss plan: snacks
The plan is designed with two snacks per day: one in the morning between breakfast and lunch, and one in the evening between lunch and dinner.It's best not to skip these snacks to save the calories for bigger treats like alcohol, because you're likely to end up hungry and then ditch your healthy eating habits.
Weight loss plan: treats
- 25g packet of Twiglets
- cereal bar (under 120kcal)
- two-finger KitKat
- two Jaffa Cakes
- 125ml pot low-fat rice pudding
- three squares of good quality chocolate (70% cocoa solids)
- small glass (125ml) red or white wine - no more than four each week.
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